concept Gli Omini
with Francesco Rotelli, Francesca Sarteanesi, Luca Zacchini
dramaturg Giulia Zacchini
lights Alessandro Ricci

production Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione, Associazione Teatrale Pistoiese Centro di Produzione Teatrale

Running time 1h and 30′
Mandatory reservation

Gli Omini is one of the most innovative theatre company on the contemporary scene. Francesco Rotelli, Francesca Sarteanesi, Giulia Zacchini and Luca Zacchini won Premio Rete Critica 2015 and Premio Enriquez for their innovative dramaturgy and social research.
In Progetto T, Gli Omini create a link between theatre, train and territory. The company analyses life on trains and reflects on the people who take them.
In 2015, they worked at the train station in Pistoia, where they developed Ci scusiamo per il disagio, collecting several passengers’ stories. Last year, the play was on the program of VIE Festival.
In 2016, Gli Omini created La corsa speciale, to think about the railway line Porretana as a main place of culture and attraction.
This year, Progetto T brings to the scene another play, Il controllore, a territorial analysis which took place between Porretta and Bologna. Gli Omini gathered surveys, interviews and witnesses from seventeen different train stops, which could be considered seventeen small worlds.